Saturday 11 September 2021

Donkey Kong Hockey Micro Vs. System Review

During 1984, as part of the Game and Watch series Nintendo released three titles under the ‘Micro Vs. System’ banner - Donkey Kong 3, Boxing and Donkey Kong Hockey - I’ve recently been fortunate enough to acquire a mint condition Donkey Kong Hockey so that is what I’m going to review for you.

First a bit about these machines, these were different from the rest of the Game & Watch series in that they had two proper mini controllers attached with a proper D-Pad, when not needed these controllers could be wound in and stored inside the machine, therefore two player gameplay was possible, unlike the standard Game & Watch machines.  Game A is the single player game and Game B is the two player game.  The machines are built to an excellent quality and have a really great look, design and feel to them.

Now onto Donkey Kong Hockey, the premise behind this game is a simple one, score more goals past Donkey Kong than he does past you!  Not as easy as it sounds however as you need fast reactions to block Kong’s shots at you and return them, also sometimes the referee will be rather naughty and block your shots too, something else to watch for.  The controllers work really well, feel great and are really responsive, the game is really addictive and great fun to play, well worth picking one up if, like I did, you can find one on eBay in mint condition at a decent price.

TRJ RATING : 4.5/5

To make you aware as a postscript, the other two titles in the series, Donkey Kong 3 and Boxing are also playable on the excellent Game and Watch Gallery Advance on the GameBoy Advance, review of this game coming soon, stay tuned!

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