Saturday 8 January 2022

Kuru Kuru Kururin and Kururin Paradise - two excellent GBA games you’ve probably never heard of!

A few weeks ago I decided to seek out some of the more obscure releases for the GameBoy Advance (regular readers will know I’m a huge fan of the GBA!), a lot of them were unplayable due to the Japanese text but I did come across two titles which are perfectly understandable and playable and truly have that ‘just one more go’ quality about them.

They are Kuru Kuru Kururin (released in Japan and Europe) and the Japan only release Kururin Paradise.  The object of these games sounds simple, guide a blue and yellow baton around a series of increasingly intricate and twisty courses in the fastest time possible, however this is not as easy as it sounds as the baton is revolving the whole time so you must time your progression through the course perfectly to avoid hitting the sides, do this too many times and it’s game over! The courses on both games look fantastic and are well designed to provide a real challenge.

Both titles are great fun and as previously mentioned highly addictive! Absolutely recommended for GBA gamers looking for something a bit different, I’m totally hooked!

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