Sunday 6 February 2022

Memories of Special Reserve, Sawbridgeworth and Silica Shop

I have fond memories of my visits to Special Reserve up in Sawbridgeworth, Herts and Silica Shop’s main store in Sidcup.  Special Reserve were based a few minutes walk from Sawbridgeworth railway station out of Liverpool Street and every trip there felt like a special day out, their prices in particular for SNES and Megadrive games were excellent and often cheaper than anywhere else and they always had a great selection each time I went up there.  They also used to do really useful and informative catalogues with full details of the titles available.
You no doubt used to see them advertising regularly in gaming magazines such as Mean Machines and C&VG.  

The other shop I used to enjoy visiting was the main branch of Silica Shop in Sidcup, this was when I owned an Atari 800XL and then an Atari ST as they specialised in hardware, software and accessories for Atari machines, again like a trip to Special Reserve it felt like a worthwhile journey to Silica Shop as I’d always pick up something cool for my Atari machine, it was a small shop from the outside but inside it was packed with Atari goodies! It was also always worth picking their regularly updated A5 catalogue.

Sadly both shops have long since gone but the memories of my days out to both will live on.

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