Tuesday 22 March 2022

A Handheld History - a new book coming soon which is going to be fantastic!


Brandon, who’s responsible for the superb retrogaming website and YouTube channel, Retro DoDo is currently working on a book about the history of gaming handhelds, entitled ‘A Handheld History’, as you can see above the logo has just been unveiled.

It is promised to be a high quality, ‘coffee table’ book featuring contributions from many well known names across the retrogaming community.  

I am incredibly excited for this book, it is something I’ve wanted for a long time and a further post will definitely follow upon receipt of my copy later this year.  

In the meantime you can register your details at https://www.lostincult.co.uk/ahandheldhistory to receive email updates on the book’s progress.  This is going to be something pretty special!

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