I’ve owned this machine for sometime having tracked down a second-hand unit on eBay with a few cartridges so thought it was high time to give my thoughts on it.
The SupaBoy S is basically a handheld, portable SNES using the original cartridges rather than emulation meaning all the games are going to look great. The machine itself is pretty big but feels comfortable in the hand with good build quality and responsive controls. A useful feature is a switch on the side of the machine to switch between PAL and NTSC cartridges, handy if you’ve an extensive library of both.
I don’t know if it’s just my machine or a general issue with the SupaBoy S but I did find that you really have to bang the cartridge quite hard into the machine for it to work and even then it’s a bit tempramental, a friend of mine tried Super Mario World on it and after barely two minutes the screen went black and wasn’t able to play any further without resetting.
As you can see from the photo above it is also possible to attach two original SNES controllers for greater flexibility.
Other than the cartridges being a bit problematic this is a good choice for playing SNES games on the go and is worth checking out if you can track one down!