Sunday 21 January 2024

RetroGamer Presents : The Handheld Gaming Collection Review


The monthly magazine, RetroGamer has, for a long time been a title I always look forward to receiving in the post each month.  They’ve also done a series of ‘bookzines’ on a variety of retrogaming subjects, a recent title being ‘The Handheld Gaming Collection’ which is an outstanding and highly recommended read for any gaming handheld fans.

It starts with a section entitled ‘Clash of the Handhelds’ where a section is dedicated to each device, there is some information about each device, an essential game for that system and a rating out of 10 for Battery Life, Ergonomics, Support, Tech, Impact and Screen.  This section really gets the publication off to a great start.

The rest of the title is a series of fascinating articles about all the leading systems including GameBoy, PSP and GameBoy Color to name but a few, there are also some Top 25 countdowns as well, some Hidden Gems articles and some system retrospectives.

It really is an outstanding publication and one you’ll find yourself dipping into time and time again, an essential title.

Available to purchase from

TRJ RATING : 10/10

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