Yup, this is the big one! My very personal Top 50 all-time favourite retro games! I plan to split this into two parts over two weekends, you won’t want to miss these posts! I’m sure there will be a few surprises! Stay tuned!
Saturday, 14 May 2022
Sunday, 8 May 2022
Book Review : Vita Means Life
Well I backed it on Kickstarter and it’s finally here - Vita Means Life, the complete unofficial history of the PlayStation Vita and it’s been worth the wait!
The book runs to an impressive 440 pages and is of extremely high quality. It is written by Sandeep Rai who runs the 2old4gaming website.
It begins with the full story of the events leading up to the launch, the launch itself and events afterwards including the battle with the Nintendo 3DS for gamer’s wallets and finally the events that led to it’s ultimate downfall.
Also included in the book are interviews with leading people involved with game development on the Vita and the book finishes with a detailed retrospective of the best Vita games.
Included with the book as an extra is a pocket-sized Vita Collector’s Handbook, useful for ticking off the games you already own.
Sandeep has done a truly outstanding job with this book and is already planning his next book, a complete history of the PlayStation 3, to be launched on Kickstarter later this year which I shall definitely be supporting!
Vita Means Life is available to purchase from https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1164535506/vita-means-life-hardback-book-detailing price £27.00 and if you’re even the slightest fan of the Vita it’s an absolute must-read!
As a postscript to this Sandeep has also made some manuals for selected PS Vita games including Uncharted : Golden Abyss and Unit 13. I have the Unit 13 manual (pictured below) and it is excellent, of great quality, fits perfectly inside the Vita game box and contains information about the game types, controls and the story. The manuals are available from https://www.2old4gaming.com/store price £3.00 each. Also available is a one-off digital PDF PS fanzine called VitaZine price £2.00 and PDFs of his previous three Vita books, PS Vita : Year One, PS Vita : Years Two and Three and PS Vita : The End price £3.00 each.