Sunday 8 May 2022

One of the best things about retrogaming is discovering a gem of a game!

For me one of the best things about retrogaming is discovering a gem of a game that you never played first time around and absolutely loving it! Recently I’ve discovered three such examples, one on the GameBoy Advance and two on the Nintendo DS.

The first is on the GameBoy Advance, Mario vs. Donkey Kong, now although this game may be familiar to many of you it somehow has passed me by until now.  The game is the sequel to the GameBoy classic Donkey Kong (which also has some of the best Super GameBoy enhanced borders around) and consists of a series of puzzles which you must solve to clear that level, the graphics are excellent and of that typical Nintendo Mario style and I’m having a total blast playing it!

Now we move on to the Nintendo DS and Mario vs. Donkey Kong Mini-Land Mayhem and Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2 : March of the Minis.  The best way to describe these games is a Mario version of the famous game Lemmings.  You must add and remove platforms to guide the clockwork Marios to the exit.  This is a lot harder than it sounds but is highly addictive fun in both games!

I have been meaning to try these three games out for some time and I’m so glad I did as they’re some of the best Mario games around and I highly recommend you give them a try!

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