Sunday 8 May 2022

GBA Rarities!

Over the years gaming has thrown up it’s fair share of unusual cartridges which have gone on to become really quite rare and now fetch high price on eBay, an example of this is some games on the GameBoy Advance.

The first is WarioWare : Twisted! - this was unusual in the fact that the cartridge had a built-in gyroscope meaning you controlled the characters in the game by tilting the machine left and right as required, surprisingly thanks to the fact that my Powkiddy X18s handheld has gyro support I’ve actually got this working on that machine and it’s a lot of fun but then again the WarioWare series of games has always been a favourite franchise of mine!

Next we come to Boktai : The Sun is in Your Hand and Boktai 2 : Solar Boy Django - these two games were unique for the fact that both game cartridges had a built-in light sensor which encouraged parts of the game to be played in direct sunlight.  I have, with a bit of a workaround, managed to get both games working on one of my handhelds although for best results the cartridges are probably the preferred option.

And lastly we come to the excellent Drill Dozer - considered by many one of the best GBA games of all-time and unusual for the fact that rumble support was built-in to the cartridge.  This game however does work perfectly on emulation handhelds (without the rumble support obviously) and I have to agree it is one of the best GBA games and highly recommended.

As I mentioned at the start boxed and mint examples of these are now quite rare and highly sought after by collectors, so if you want one be prepared to pay quite a lot on eBay!

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