Sunday 8 August 2021

Game and Watch Books Review

Anyone with any interest in handheld gaming from the 80s will surely remember Nintendo’s Game and Watch series, the forerunner to the GameBoy.  These fun little machines were massively popular and are highly collectible.  I’ve found a couple of excellent books on the Game and Watch series so I’m going to give more detail about them in this post.

The Unofficial Game and Watch Collector’s Guide Available from .  This book will be of most interest to collectors although it’s still a fascinating read in it’s own right. The guide is split into sections around the various types of Game and Watch that were available - Crystal Screen, Multi Screen, Panorama, etc. - two pages are dedicated to each machine beginning with information about the game and the object of it, screenshots of the game are also featured along with a very useful Rarity Guide showing how rare/common each machine is in varying conditions on auction sites.  Included with the book as a bonus is handy Quick Reference Guide.  A high quality, excellent and really comprehensive guide, highly recommended for anyone looking to get into collecting the machines or just wants to find out more about them.

The History of Nintendo Volume 2 : 1980-1991 Game and Watch When I purchased this book it was available through Amazon however at the time of writing it is unavailable although used copies may be available through Amazon Marketplace, eBay or online bookstores.  Unlike the previous book this is more of a general book about the series beginning with a thorough history of Game and Watch and how they came into existence, the rest of the book, like the previous book is split into sections around the various types of machine, a single page is dedicated to each featuring screenshots, trivia and information about the game.  There is also a rarity rating for each out of 5.  If you can find a copy another very interesting book about Game and Watch.

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