Monday 30 August 2021

Pokemon Mini - a forgotten Nintendo handheld


Think you know all Nintendo’s handhelds?  Think again!  Back in 2001 Nintendo released the Pokemon Mini, what has to be the smallest cartridge based handheld ever!  I am lucky enough to own one and I love it!  I bought mine brand new from Amazon back in the day, today though the only way to get one and the games is via eBay.  It’s powered by one AAA battery which lasts for ages.  The machine is available in a variety of colours, as you can see from the photo I have the blue one.

As for the tiny game cartridges which fit in the back of the machine, only five games were ever released in Europe and North America :

- Pokemon Zany Cards, a Solitaire style card game
- Pokemon Puzzle Collection
- Pokemon Tetris
- Pokemon Pinball, my favourite!
- Pokemon Party Mini, a collection of mini-games

A few more were released in Japan only including Pokemon Race Mini - I believe an English translated rom of this is available online.

Sadly the Pokemon Mini never really caught gamer’s imaginations and it disappeared almost as quickly as it appeared.  This is a shame as I love mine, it’s one of my favourite handhelds in my collection, it’s not the most powerful machine ever but the games are huge fun to play especially Pokemon Tetris!  Worth tracking down a unit and a few games on eBay!

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