Thursday 9 March 2023

Donkey Kong Country (SNES) Review


The SNES will always be a special system to me as it was the first Nintendo system I owned and started me on the road to being a true Nintendo fan, one of my favourite titles on the system was Donkey Kong Country, a game which, at the time, blew people away with it’s graphics not previously thought possible on a system such as the SNES.  The levels and characters looked simply amazing, the levels were detailed, varied and challenging.  A favourite level of mine was always Mine Cart Carnage which sees Donkey and Diddy Kong in a runaway mine cart, a really fun but frustrating level!

DKC is a game which has truly stood the test of time and spawned two further titles - Donkey Kong Country 2 and 3, both look equally amazing and are highly recommended.

If you own a SNES or an emulation handheld this is a game you must play, it really did break the mould for SNES titles.     TRJ RATING : 5/5

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