Thursday 9 March 2023

Memories of gaming shows at Earls Court, London


A favourite venue of mine for many years for all kinds of different shows and concerts was London’s Earls Court but in particular I always used to enjoy going there for gaming shows such as Eurogamer Expo and, going back a bit further, the Personal Computer World Show.  There was just such a great atmosphere around gaming events at this venue, from the anticipation building on the journey from Embankment on the District Line tube to there always being something cool to see on the forecourt outside - I remember for one show there was a full size tank parked up promoting a game - I forget which one!    

At the last Eurogamer Expo I went to there the streaming games service OnLive was launching and they were giving away the boxes required to use it.  I queued up for 45 minutes but it was absolutely worth it as I came away with a free OnLive box and shortly after returning home I was up and running!

The building itself had so much character and lent itself perfectly to hosting gaming shows especially with the upper balcony level too giving extra exhibiting space.  Another unique feature of the building was the covered underground walkway from one of the platforms at the tube station which brought you out right in the entrance foyer of the building!

I used to genuinely love going to events at Earls Court but gaming shows were always my favourite and it’s an absolute crying shame that the building has now been demolished and I’ll no longer be able to enjoy it’s special atmosphere.

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