Thursday 9 March 2023

There’s a new GameBoy YouTube channel and it’s brilliant!

There’s a new GameBoy YouTube channel and it’s really rather excellent! It’s called The Portable Power Podcast and the mission of it’s creator is to play every GameBoy game released in chronological order and upload a new video (a mini review) each weekday of a different title.

At the time of writing the channel is up to episode 48, the videos are between 5 and 8 minutes in length, well presented, informative and entertaining.  Some of the well known titles featured so far include Super Mario Land, Tetris and Space Invaders.

I’ve found the channel most useful for discovering titles I never knew about or had heard of, so far I’ve found three such excellent games - Quarth (to be reviewed shortly), Flipull and Pipe Dream.

The eventual plan of the guy who runs the channel is to launch a book containing all the reviews of the titles funded through Kickstarter and if it’s half as good as the YouTube channel it should be well worth waiting for!

An absolute must watch channel for anyone who’s a fan of the original GameBoy.

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