Friday 3 June 2022 - a new must-read slice of gaming nostalgia!

I’ve mentioned a few times on this blog about the golden age of gaming magazines in the 80s and 90s - well the publisher of excellent and recently launched retro Sega magazine, Sega Mania has just launched - an amazing site allowing you to easily read in great quality some classic Sega magazines of the past and it’s a real treat!

At the time of writing the following magazines are available :

- Mega
- Sega Pro
- Mean Machines Sega
- Mega Machines
- The Official Sega Saturn Magazine
- MegaTech (upload in progress)
- Sega Visions (US)

All the magazines load pretty much instantly inside a viewer on the website and can also be downloaded as a PDF file for viewing in something like Adobe Acrobat Reader.

If you have any memory of these publications or are curious to see what the fuss was about this is truly a must visit website.  As someone who loved the Saturn first time around and is currently re-discovering and enjoying it’s games all over again on my emulation handhelds I’m particularly keen to read the Official Sega Saturn Magazine again and have already downloaded all the issues into Acrobat Reader to enjoy at my leisure!  An essential website.

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