Saturday 25 June 2022

Winter Heat (Sega Saturn) Review


Ever since I owned a Sega Saturn years ago I’d been a fan of an Athletics themed sports game called Athlete Kings but completely unknown to me until recently (big thanks and shout out to Ollie for the heads up!) there was also a Winter Sports sequel entitled Winter Heat which I’ve just added to my RG552 handheld so thought I’d review it this week.

The game comprises 11 events : Speed Skiing, Ski Jumping, Downhill, Short Track Speed Skating, Skeleton, Slalom, Aerial, Bobsleigh, Speed Skating, Snowboard and Cross Country, these can either be played individually or in sequence. So far I’ve found the hardest to be Ski Jumping, Slalom and Aerial - more practice definitely needed! All the events are great fun to play and presented in the familiar Sega arcade style with some great incidental music.

As with Athlete Kings a short instructional video is played before each event explaining the controls and if applicable, the optimal angle, which is useful if you’ve never played the game before or as a reminder.

This is easily as good and as enjoyable as Athlete Kings and is one of the best sports games on the Saturn.  TRJ RATING : 4/5

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